Friday, October 8, 2010

10000737569293746 and 13 things that make life sweet. in the falllllltime..........OR anytime. duh

milk duds
cool fall days
busty doots
growing up
rides up the canyon
helping someone see their worth
12 pm icecream runs
buying a gold fish
pummpkin cookies
Game nights
sunday walks
Making someone smile
spice sented candels
reading time
toenail polish
candy corn
family movie night
general conference
late night talks
fighting over a doller
Glow in the dark lipstick
suzzzie salmon
Caramel apples

Saturday, September 4, 2010

CUrVE BAll...................S

Life is so funny sometimes. One second you are busy doing your own thing, with hardly any stress or even things to deal with, and the next you are thrown some crazzzy kind of curve ball. OR in my case 50 billion curve balls all AT ONCE. SO many things are changing right now, from school, to grandparents leaving on a mission in 2 WEEEKKKS to new responsibility's..... Yikes. I hardly have room in my brain for all the things i am thinking about right now! I hope i can live up to my potential, and the potential that other people see in me for these new responsibilities I am going to be involved in. ANdddd I hope that all of this change and craziness's will effect me in the best possible way!! All i can say is i am so grateful for the crazzy tasks and demanding ways of life, and for the way that our heavenly father helps us to reach out to one another and be supported in all our endeavors.... Wish me luck with ALLLL this :)

Love from
Miss Darling

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hiking babes! AND dudes....

                                                                     WE LOVE TO HIKE!
Who woulda known I would randomly get into hiking with this cute girly named haddy mae!!!! This summer so far has been a blast, AND really i have not really loved hiking AT ALL in my life untill now. Randomly after a hike we did for FHE me and haddy said we wanted to start hiking at least 2 times a week to get ready for a timp hike the ward was going to do. WELLL it worked!!! We havent missed a day and if we do we make up for it fast! And the best part is that the ward has started announcing our hikes as activitys so we have all become like one big hiking family. Dont even wory, we have become like mountain ladys.... WELLL close enough. Besided allmost passing out because of a snake on the trail.......we have been adventureeeerrrrrs! hahah...Some of my favorite hiking moments this summer  areeeeeee......Running a screaming with haddy because of a snake. Getting scared by boys going ahead on the trail durring night hikes. Seeing a cougar. I SWEAR I SAW ONE. A simple last min night hike up horsetail falls where we sat at the lookout, watched the lightning, and talked about life with one of our "daddyo"s Brother Rasmusson haha, and some other awesome people in the ward! Or getting rid of bugggs flying arround on the way down from TIMP with cinnamon licorice, with my other set of parents the Tolmans. There SO smart. Bug spray never works jst grab some licorice! So many great memories im never EVER gonna forget! lets keep it up for the last few weeks of summer and into the fall! Next up snowshoeing!!!! Yay for an EPIC summer and dont even worry guys falls gonna be even BETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTER!!!!!

Miss Darling

Monday, July 12, 2010

I win.

Okay soooo i am pretty sure that everyone already called the no sugar bet off. But i made it to Monday bet or not! haha AND im gonna get as much sugar inside of me as possible today. Dear lizzy sugar cookie, a doughnuts, peanut M&Ms, dipadee chocolate chocolatechocolateeeee cake, brownie icecream.... I could go on but i might barf. Soooo maybe this whole sugar explosion today at the end of a sugar fast is sort of contradictory to the NO sugar diet I jst stumbeld through? Ohhh well! I simply cannot live without chocolate.

Miss Darling

Friday, July 9, 2010


New development in the new no sugar crazzzyness. Im sure nobody cares about this but me, haha ANDddd im not sure why its so important that i put it on my blogg. Pathetic? yup.
I failed the FIRST day. hahah! wahooo. i have a lot of self controllllll.
BUT i told my friends about it and we decided to all do it together. AND to add on top of it all theres a bet involved. Whoever looses has to pay for country dancing for a group of people. SOOO Here gose again! Im dying, i need sugar or chocolate NOW but im not gonna loose!! Wish me luck!

Miss Darling

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


How much chocolate and sugar do you have to eat before you DIE? I might just be able to tell you pretty soon, people wonder why i often have a smile on my face, yes i LOVE to smile and be happy, but really what you all dont know is that im pumped full of sugar.......who wouldnt be happy! SOOOO......NO more sugar OR things that are bad for me durring the week for me! I have a major SWEET tooth problem, so im going on a no sugar (only durring the week cause i cant live without sugar) diet. Mostly i just need to do this cause too much of one thing is reallllllly bad. Or thats what i need to keep telling myself cause nomaly I would say too much of one thing is bad..... unlessssssssssssss its sugar or chocolate. And i need to practice some self controll cause when it comes to my favorite things (such as sugar anc chocolate).... im really bad at it. Wish me luck, cause im gonna realllly. REAlllllly REALLLLLLLLLLY need it!
Miss Darling

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Keepin ME busy!

I recently decided to take up a few new projects and fun little things to keep me busy this summer since my little dance gurlies dont have classes goin on right now. Some of my busyness has worked out great but a lot of it has notttt gone suppppper well. I have experienced some awesome things and some hard things. I have made new friends and just enjoyed being a 20 year old silly girl.

SPARKEL. I was talking to this cute lady (whom i love to death) in the ward the other dayabout how i can hardly stand wearing jewlry because i feel so fussy and it just drives me nuttzzzss. BUT I LOVE jewlry and anything sparkely... (PRObly one of the gurliesst girls you will ever meet)..... and i have way more of it than i will ever be able to wear. SO with that in mind i decided to make MORE! And have been busy makin' and sparkelin' ever since!

LAUGH. I just adore spending time with the people that i love and i love shareing experiences with them. I have met so many awesome people and friends this summer, and I feel like these few months are gonna go down as some of the most epic summers of my single youthnesss. What would life be like if you could not smile and laugh! Thanks to my friends for being awesome and planning fun and sometimes pointless activitys that I will allways be able to smile at :)

LOVE. SOooo recently this summer me and my girl friends have the best time getting together and acting just like cute lil highschool girls giggleing about our crushes and listening to girly country music.... talking about our friends on missions and about how excited and nervous we are for the future, Thanks for listening to me goin on about boys and eating chocolate with me girls

Travel. Yay for europe! The trip i took to europe was completely eye opening and such an awesome experience! The funny thing is that no matter where we were or what we saw, i couldnt get Alpine and all of the people i love out of my head. Life isnt where you are but who you choose to surround yourself with. And they help create who you are.... This trip was like steping out of my world and being able to get a different veiw on my life. I was able to better see what i wanted out of this life and who i wanted to be. Never before was this so clear to me. I want to give fully, love deeply, never hold back, and trust the most important figure in my life with ALL of my heart....and jump in. I wont ever forget the experiences i had there and the strong and steadfast people that I met.

LEARN. I have learend a lot of things this summer. About myself, about life, about love, about enjoyng everything no matter what, and looking for the good in everything. The biggest learning experience i have been dealing with is a fantastic new calling. Out of my comfort zone? MORE like completely and totaly out of everything that is kyrsten. Whoever said the teacher learns more than the student was more right than anyone EVER. It has really taught me that i can do hardly anything all by myself, and its okey to lean up on someone else.... After all arent we all really blind anyway? Theres only one person who can guide us and truely help us see and share light..

Cherish.I have had to say goodbye to a few things and people in my life this summer. I have really learned to take advantage of time with people and really make sure they know how much I adore them and look up to them. Its never too late to starty telling people you love them. Reach out, look up to, write notes to, hug, lift up, smile to, think of, bring cookies to, and laugh with the awesome people you surround yourself with. And make sure there good ones.

EAT.I have been like some crazzzy sugar girl this summer and any kind of recipe that looks good and has chocolate in it I have tryed or am going to try by the end of the summer. My little sister makes fun of me because i watch cooking shows taking notes like sum silly crazzzy girl. Maybe I am but i sure like laughing at myself with her!

BE 20. The best thing about this summer is that im a 20 year old girl that could not be more happy. Sure.... nobodys perfect, my life is nowhere near perfect... But thats the best part! I have done really good with accepting myself and accepting the fact that i really dont have a ton of control with some things that happen to me in this life. But there are so many amazing things that my heavenly father wants me to experience, and I am so ready! My heart is so open to anything and anyone and Because of him and my savior nothing can bring me down! Im going up no matter how hard this life tends to pull me down. So heres to being young, being afraid of the future... the unknown, makeing some small mistakes.... learing from them.....growing daily, and trusting in my heavenly father to hold my hand no matter what.

SO maybe this waisting time thing is good for me. I have learned to slow down instead being busy with everything that makes my life so cloudy. I have found major peace inside myself... with myself. And I have made stronger connections with the people that i look up to and care about. Not to mention filling myself so that i can share light with others. Nothings perfect. Everythings hard. But so worth just..... LIFE! Isnt it just so aweeeeefulllly amazing sometimes?...........

LOVE from allways,

Miss darling...

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

To: Miss Darling
Girls Night out!
Sat April 3 6-8 PM
The Meadows Salon is hosting a headband and accessory botique!
44 E. Red Pine Dr. Alpine UT
Come mingle and look arround at somecute girly stuff for you, friends, daughters, and granddaughters! GREAT EASTER BASKET FILLERS!
We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dearest Miss DArlings
Ive beeen working on some new stuff! Wahoo :) AND Me and Dearest Caitlyn Renshaw are going to be having a headband party before easter! SO dont worry if you havent got stuff to fill a basket with because there will be plenty of cute headbands to choose from. Well keep you posted :)
(The Blue and white ones are samples for the Cougarettts :) they turned out pretty cute!)